Wednesday, May 16, 2012

vanilla with vanilla?

this is an unusual sight at my table at the market, it is a straight-up vanilla cupcake with vanilla frosting. normally i try to mix up the flavours and am constantly trying to figure out fun, new flavour combinations. but ya know what? i took this photo on sunday, around noon, and this was the very last vanilla with vanilla to be had.

apparently vanilla is a pretty popular flavour. who knew? granted, it is the most popular flavour of ice cream, and of course, it's a pretty popular scent for cosmetics, candles, lotion, laundry detergent... wait a second, why has it taken me so long to realize that perhaps, vanilla with vanilla would be a pretty good seller?

to my mind, vanilla is sort of a 'default' flavour, a synonym for 'plain' if you will. i use it in every recipe and it's just sort of a jumping off point for me. according to wikipedia (intrepid research, i know) 'it is used to enhance the flavour of other substances, to which its own flavour is complementary.'

it just seems so boring to me. with a world of flavours out there it just seems like i could be doing so much more. but maybe when something is as tried and true as vanilla, you don't need to mess with a good thing. and, i guess when the majority of my cupcake customers barely even clear the top of my table, i have to keep the flavours pretty basic. 

not gonna lie though, i ate a mini one on saturday & i have to admit, it was pretty satisfying. i think i'll keep it in rotation for awhile. i can always play around with the other flavours. on that note, i'm off to the backyard to see if the rhubarb will be ready to make its debut this weekend in a batch of cupcakes...

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